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Monday, July 22, 2019

Once We Were Giants?

Once We Were Giants ? 

   Nephilim & Crystal Skulls:  As a child my interest was aroused on this subject via an unlikely source – Arthur C Clarke’s 'Mysterious Worlds'. I had seen the television programme, bought the book, but wasn’t satisfied. It seemed to me there was something not being said, and I wondered why?

   Back in the 70’s there wasn’t a lot of material available on the subject, even in the local library. And rooting through second hand book shops proved to be frustrating. Nearly forty years later, I finally came to a theory of sorts. It is just a theory, I can’t offer any proof or evidence to back this up, it’s merely a vision that comes now and again and seems to repeat itself, as if a message - one that it is often reflected in those poems and books I have written.

   The first book I came across that offered any real notions on the subject was ‘The Book Of Enoch’ and there I read of “Watchers”  ,“Nephilim” , “Wars”, and “Floods”. It struck me as a peculiar thing- a Jewish text dating from around 300BC that seemed to reflect elements of Gilgamesh, a work preceding it by some 2200 years, about a King born of Gods.

    The more I read of this, and other similar works, the more the thought came to me that these ‘legends’ if they were indeed legends - were being repeated throughout history in one form or another, and was there a reason other than evolving religions and politics? What if there was a great Truth behind them all that had been hidden beneath mistranslations and cultural differences? What if, at one time, a Higher Race had existed? Was there a time of Giants? I had to look further, for I could not shake the feeling that these ‘tales’ would have some bearing on my life.

     I had to first consider ‘Angels’ not so much in the Biblical sense, but as actual entities that were more than just a spiritual force. Were they spiritual beings that were able to take on a physical form, or perhaps already having one - living, breathing, talking, and walking amongst us. What then, if that was possible, would result if they mated with our ancestors? More to the point, what if they actually were our ancestors and humanity has regressed both mentally and physically?

    There is an old saying, “There is no new knowledge, only old knowledge rediscovered” and with that thought I wondered: if all these tales are true, why have they been forgotten and more to the point why are they so often denied? It’s a puzzle, an enigma, that has preyed upon me for years and has only been made worse by learning certain ancient ‘technologies‘ that according to conventional teachings could not have existed.

    Working ‘batteries’ made of clay, the ‘Baghdad battery’ for instance, dated possibly approx. 250 BC; statues electroplated with layers of gold measuring a thickness of mere microns. I had to ask, how was this possible? Are archaeologists and historians mistaken, or do they have something to be hidden? So many questions, they seem to multiply each time I find a new piece of information. And I will say that with the internet and the myriad of sites out there it’s a real task to decipher anything that may be useful, or real, notwithstanding the lack of time to research this subject but as Galileo said ‘All truths are easy to understand once they are discovered; the point is to discover them.’

    And so I needs must continue on this journey, groping blindly in the dark as it were to find the truth. If indeed there is one to be found.

Upon this path
This journey mine
Where echoes come
From Other minds
What hidden dreams
Are there to find?

   Are we the bastard off spring of a higher race?

(a real photo- or a hoax?  what do you think?)

   William Blake once said, “What is now proved was once only imagined.” Are we the bastard off spring of a higher race? By a peculiar instance of chance a bible passage was quoted to me by a friend on face book after I had posted a poem. It seemed coincidental, yet took on a greater meaning when I started to work on this passage, as if I were being urged on ;

    Genesis 6:4, “There were giants in the earth in those days; and also after that, when the sons of God came unto the daughters of men, and they bear children to them, the same became mighty men which were of old men of renown.” The giant off spring of this union between the sons of God and the daughters of men were called the Nephilim.

    In the collective sub-consciousness of all races, within the creeds and beliefs, perhaps there are channels that can be tapped by not only psychics but also by those who can have a mind to do so- blood memories, for example, amplified by some force unknown that drives us on to seek our beginnings?

    Are all religious texts based upon real events? Altered, then, over the centuries to fit in with the political needs of the times?  Pondering this, another question arose: ‘if there was indeed a higher Race of Giants, did they evolve here or were they in fact from somewhere else?’

   Von Daniken, whose works I read during my teenage years, wrote that Alien races had visited the Earth, taught us various technologies and had been worshipped as Gods, Anunnaki, Fallen Angels, Nephilim ? And so again the puzzle became more complex. Yet, in my search, and I search in ways that may differ from the methods employed by others, I sought a vision. Which came when it, or I, was ready. 

I lay at rest, though not to sleep
And whilst at peace did vigil keep
For sight to come through other eye
When gentle as an autumn sigh
Quick as silvered thread in sky
Though I could never tell the why
What world this was,
I cannot say
Where upon white sand the sea did play
And in this night as bright as day
From waters rose Dark-winged Angel,
And dark-orbed stars joined his refrain
Joyfully, without restrain
"Ar Ya Ma Th e O”

(From The Key of The Storm - D W Storer 2010)

Available on Amazon worldwide

What did it mean? I have my thoughts, and leave you to your own. But I will close by saying that I wonder more and more if we are not the lesser children of greater sires, and so I am only sure of one thing - Once, we were giants

May your Gods
Whoever they may be
Walk beside you always

D W Storer 2018/2019

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