Blog Archive

Sunday, July 7, 2019

New Beginnings

   Well , here it is. Another blog -  not just about my books, or my works, which range in subject from dark nihilism, Forteana, children's books, heretical organic philosophy, but will also include posts covering those odds n sods that appeal to me and, hopefully, to you too.

     There is, of course, a hope that you, whoever you may be, will leave comments and suggestions and, if you're feeling charitable, even follow and recommend the blog to others. 


    Just a few examples to let you know what you may be getting into, if you do come back that is- believe me things can only get worse from here as the blog evolves . So, my thanks to you for viewing this - make of it what you will-  all and any comments will be welcomed-  as well as polite suggestions as to what I can do next --- 

D W Storer -  2019

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